TEACHINGpoint Course Catalog


  • AP (Advanced Placement) Level

AP (Advanced Placement) Level (12)

Note: Founded in 1955, the Advanced Placement® (AP®) is a program in the United States created by the College Board offering college-level curriculum and examinations to high school students. American colleges often grant placement and course credit to students who obtain high scores above a certain number on the examinations. Each year over 1 million students take over 2 million exams.





Founded in 1968, the International Baccalaureate® (IB®)** offers international education programmes to more 3,500 schools serving more than one million students in 145 countries. IB Diploma Programme students must choose one subject from each of five groups, ensuring breadth of knowledge and understanding in their best language, additional language(s), the social sciences, the experimental sciences and mathematics.


    SCIENCE (40)





The Expert Systems for Teachers® Series

Over 120 complete subject-specific instructional support materials for teachers posted below

Complete Catalog Subscription Service for Schools and Districts to assist teachers with new assignments

Click here for Testimonials: Read what Principals and Teachers saying about Teaching Point course material. TEACHINGpoint course materials have been designed to be flexible and economical. This is a site for teachers, administrators and schools. It is not intended for use by students. The Feature Description Comparison page may be helpful in your purchasing decision. Also, check the purchase requirements for educators.

Free eBook Review copies of complete Teacher Manuals are available upon request at tporder@teaching-point.net

Highly-Qualify by Subject through University Courses Online! Over 100 of our courses now online at participating universities for teachers with new assignments to become highly-qualified by subject with continuing education units toward license renewal. Teacher Manual included in online tuition and fees. Click here to determine appropriate level of support for teachers with new assignments.

Click here for a 5-minute video tutorial on what you get and how to use your teacher manual

Teacher materials are available in both eBook or printed versions with downloadable files. The files in the eBook can be viewed on both PC and MAC, tablets or mobile devices. The assessments and class notes (PowerPoint’s) can be saved, edited and printed using either version. With teacher edition subscription, student versions can be printed from files.

Student materials are available in both eBook and printed versions.


Courses Under Development: If you teach a course not listed here that you would like to develop for the IB, AP, Cambridge (IGCSE), Regular or Honors levels, please contact us through our author page

Click here to View Course Samples

*AP and Advanced Placement Program are registered trademarks of the College Board. The material available here has been developed independently of the College Board (by teachers of the courses), which was not involved in the production of the course material.

**The IB Diploma Program is an official program of the International Baccalaureate Organization (IBO) which authorizes schools to offer it. The material available here has been developed independently of the IBO (by teachers of the courses) which was not involved in the production of the course material.

(1) Note: Although these instructional materials work with well any textbook (lesson plans call for reading topics as opposed to page numbers) you choose, the student activity books or lab manuals included are not to be considered complete textbooks.

DISCOUNT SHIPPING OPPORTUNITY: Shipping is usually 10% in the U.S. and 20% internationally, however, if you can find a spelling, grammar or academic error on any of our web pages, particularly an academic error on our courses sample pages (note each course has sample pages) we will extend up to $50 USD credit on your shipping!

***Unit at a time: Although our main purpose is to prepare teachers for new assignments with complete course materials, we realize that sometimes an experienced teacher just needs a unit or two or three. So, to answer that need, contact us with the course name and unit(s) titles you want and we'll reply with purchasing details for download versions.

Click here for Getting to the Teaching Point.