Best Practices


Every teacher dreams of their students using higher order thinking skills. “Best Practices for Teaching and Learning” is a collaborative work of high school teachers and administrators that will enable the reader to learn about and apply comprehension strategies used by all learners. All of the strategies are research based and can be used across the curriculum. This book, however, is much more than just a theory. Journey with educators as they share with you their classroom experiences as they apply several different research and teacher-tested methods to do more than just teach the curriculum. Each experience is followed by “feedback” that is written by an administrator or staff member. The “feedback” supports the educator when they show evidence of good teaching and suggests places for improvement. You will be inspired by their struggles and successes. Each chapter has room for you to reflect and consider how you could use this in your own classroom. The entire goal of “Best Practice,” is to support teachers, in their quest to improve their own teaching as well as their ability to use teacher – tested and researched – based comprehension strategies to raise the level of performance of all students. All author proceeds of this book go towards the Sycamore High School (Ohio) Memorial Scholarship Fund, a fund that helps students go to college.


Table of Contents

1. “Making Connections” 7. Importance
2. Questioning 8. The Importance of Emerson and Thoreau
3. Visualization and Inference 9. Importance
4. Inferences 10. Background Information
5. Making More Connections 11. Self Monitoring for Comprehension
6. Making Connections and Establishing Importance 12. Best Practice

Although most of our materials are complete courses, some, as this title, are supplemental, instructional support units or self-study materials.

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Every teacher dreams of their students using higher order thinking skills. “Best Practices for Teaching and Learning” is a collaborative work of high school teachers and administrators that will enable the reader to learn about and apply comprehension strategies used by all learners. All of the strategies are research based and can be used across the curriculum. This book, however, is much more than just a theory. Journey with educators as they share with you their classroom experiences as they apply several different research and teacher-tested methods to do more than just teach the curriculum. Each experience is followed by “feedback” that is written by an administrator or staff member. The “feedback” supports the educator when they show evidence of good teaching and suggests places for improvement. You will be inspired by their struggles and successes. Each chapter has room for you to reflect and consider how you could use this in your own classroom.

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Printed Student Book, Teacher Edition Subscription – eBook Version


Chad Husting

Product Number


Pages/ ISBN

152/ISBN: 978-1-59657-576-9, 152/ISBN: 978-1-59657-175-4