World History, Age of Discovery to Present


World History: Age of Discovery to Present. In this 2nd semester of the course, emphasis is on the Enlightenment to the present to assist students in better understanding the world in which we live. making history come alive for students so that they can understand possible impacts on the present. There are major areas of focus such as the Scientific Revolution, Age of Revolutions, 19th and 20th Century issues, etc., where several weeks are spent delving deeply into the given period.

For areas of a major focus, the teacher is provided an editable PowerPoint for lecture support and discussion. Students will be asked to do group research on an aspect and present their results to the class creating their own PowerPoint. Classes without this application may create standard student presentations.

The class utilizes the resources of a teacher manual with detailed and editable PowerPoints for lecture support, self-contained student activity book and editable tests with keys to minimize teacher preparation time. Useful for new and experienced teachers alike, this course is a model for applying technology in education.

Joseph Enge was a Fulbright teacher, writer, member of his state’s history standards committee, and has won a number of awards and grants for applying technology in education.

The course runs in cycles for each area of focus: Brainstorming & Introduction; Ongoing discussion & lecture with teacher overhead sheets or PowerPoints; ongoing reading and activities; Intermittent quizzes and final exam; Group research & presentations as an authentic assessment tool. Link to Volume 1.

Complete Teacher Manual and Student Book – pricing below

Table of Contents

1. Scientific Revolution 6. World War I & Russian Revolution
2. English Civil War & Constitutionalism 7. Rise of Totalitarianism & World War II
3. Absolutism & Enlightenment 8. Cold War
4. Age of Revolutions 9. 3rd World Independence & Middle East
5. 19th Century Changes 10. Current Issues
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These instructional support materials (available in print or eBook versions), regularly updated, cover the complete course (at regular, honors, AP and IB levels), whether it be semester, year or 2-year (IB) with daily support for all aspects of instruction. The Teacher’s Edition includes a syllabus; correlation to standards; daily pacing guide; detailed daily lesson plans; teacher edition of student activity book or lab manual with answers; class notes in PDF (for use as color overheads) and/or editable PowerPoint’s (for use with light projector or smartboard); and complete editable assessments. Classroom sets include 25 printed student books and Teacher Edition with DVD. Samples are available for each course (including complete short-term limited screen view versions in eBook format upon request). After purchase of the Teacher Edition in any of the various editions, student activity books or lab manuals are available for individual purchase. Although the online eBook version is screen view only, other versions are available that allow printing student material.

Additional information

Weight N/A
Dimensions N/A

Class Set with perpetual license – Printed Version, Mentoring Teacher Program Subscription, Printed Student Book, Teacher Edition Subscription – eBook Version, Teacher Edition Subscription Printed Version


Joseph Enge


(1st Semester Sold Separately)

Product Number


Pages/ ISBN

760/ISBN: 978-1-59657-598-1, 760/ISBN: 978-1-59657-141-9, Class Set download files/ISBN: 978-1-59657-599-8, 432/ISBN: 978-1-59657-142-6, No page count.No ISBN number. Use product code.