IB Spanish Ab Initio


Completely updated to current curriculum requirements, Ab Initio Spanish is a two-year accelerated International Baccalaureate (IB) course designed for students who have not previously studied Spanish (Ab Initio means “from the beginning). The goal is for students to acquire the skills necessary to interact in everyday situations in reading, writing, listening, and speaking. This is an ambitious goal, but one which motivated students can achieve with the help of their teacher and this textbook.

Ab Initio Spanish provides teachers with the ideal preparation necessary for their students to succeed on the IB exam. From the very beginning, it immerses students in the language and culture of the Spanish world through readings and exercises that reflect those of the Ab Initio Spanish syllabus, internal and external assessments. This text can also be used for any accelerated Spanish program.

Additionally, the material includes all the vocabulary and grammar required by the Ab Initio guidelines and a set of pictures for the internal oral exam. Information is organized so that students can study it independently and in class.

Whether you are an experienced or novice Ab Initio teacher, you will find Ab Initio Spanish an indispensable tool.

The printed or eBook teacher’s edition includes syllabus, pacing guide, detailed daily lesson plans, editable class notes (in PowerPoint form), complete student activity book and editable assessments. Lessons include class notes for lecture support, activities and assignments are designed to engage students in the content while introducing and reviewing essential skills.

Note: The International Baccalaureate (IB) Diploma Program is a challenging two-year curriculum, primarily aimed at students aged 14 to 19. It leads to a qualification that is widely recognized by the world’s leading universities. For further information, visit the IB website at http://www.ibo.org/

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1. El individuo 2. ¿De dónde eres?
3. Mi familia 4. Presentaciones
5. Mi rutina diaria 6. La Casa
7. Los quehaceres domésticos 8. Invitaciones
9. Educación y trabajo 10. La ciudad y sus servicios
11. Servicios públicos y comunicaciones 12. Comida y bebidas
13. Mi vida en 10 años 14. Ocio y viajes
15. ¿Dónde queda el banco? 16. ¿Qué hiciste en tus últimas vacaciones?
17. El tiempo 18. Celebraciones
19. Celebraciones 20. El Medio Ambiente
21. La salud y situaciones de emergencia 22. Situaciones de emergencia

*The IB Diploma Program is an official program of the International Baccalaureate Organization (IBO) which authorizes schools to offer it. The material available here has been developed independently of the IBO and has not received IBO endorsement.

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Completely updated to current curriculum requirements, Ab Initio Spanish is a two-year accelerated International Baccalaureate (IB) course designed for students who have not previously studied Spanish. (Ab Initio means “from the beginning.) The goal is for students to acquire the skills necessary to interact in every day situations in reading, writing, listening, and speaking. This is an ambitious goal, but one which motivated students can achieve with the help of their teacher and this textbook.

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Class Set with perpetual license – Printed Version, Mentoring Teacher Program Subscription, Printed Student Book, Student eBook, Teacher Edition Subscription – eBook Version, Teacher Edition Subscription Printed Version


Rosa Mª Iglesias


Updated and Aligned to New IB Curriculum*

Product Number


Pages/ ISBN

565/ISBN: 978-1-59657-425-0, 565/ISBN: 978-1-59657-427-4, Class Set ISBN: 978-1-59657-866-1, 376/ISBN: 978-1-59657-567-7, 376/ISBN: 978-1-59657-426-7, No page count. No ISBN number. Use product code.