Click for White Paper: A Path to Highly-Effective Teachers
This writing proposes a practical, economical path to the better preparation of in-service teachers on a subject-by-subject basis leading to improved student achievement. The need for such a path is evident in the crisis’s defined by failing schools, the unequal distribution of effective teachers, lagging adequate yearly progress (AYP: half of all U.S. schools failing in this measure according to Center on Education Policy Report released Dec. 2011, per cent by state on pages 18-21 of this paper), the high teacher turnover, the looming teacher retirements, the lowered standards for instructor hiring, the low student achievement, the low graduation rates. Collectively, the results are an inadequate level of college and workforce readiness, which contributes to concerns relating to national competitiveness and security issues.
TEACHINGpoint course materials may qualify for funding, beyond departmental budgets, through the No Child Left Behind Act Title I (10% of that funding can be used for professional development, for which Teaching Point materials qualify); Title IIa (Improving Teacher quality State Grants) which is 100% for professional development of teachers; local and state professional development funds; New Teacher funds; School Improvement funds; Comprehensive School Reform funding; local, state or regional educational foundations.