
June 19, 2018

Caroline Goode, author of Grade 5 Science, has taught fifth and sixth grade middle school science in Rockland Public Schools, Rockland, MA for 20 years and is a professional development presenter specializing in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics) education, inquiry across the curriculum, 21st Century Skills, and standards-based learning. Currently, she works as an independent consultant working with pre-service teachers and classroom teachers at the K-8 grade level. She has a BA, MA (K-8 Elem. Ed.) and MAT (Physical/Earth Science) from Bridgewater State College, MA. Since 1989, she has logged over 1,200 hours of personal professional development to build her content knowledge and pedagogical strategies for effective teaching. Caroline has been a National Science Teachers Association (NSTA) presenter, curriculum writer, reviewer, and author of their SciGuides online packets, and now is the MA State Coordinator for the NSTA Science Matters in the Massachusetts online dissemination network reaching over 1,200 K-16 science educators with her two weekly e-blasts on Professional Opportunities and K-16 Resources at the national, state, and local level helping teachers overcome the isolation of their classrooms. She is a NEA/NFIE Christa McAuliffe fellow, a recipient of the 2005 MA Christa McAuliffe Teacher of the Year Award and the 2006 National Challenger Center for Space Education Turner N. Wiley Award. She has been an online mentor of the New Teacher Center’s National Electronic Mentoring for Student Success (eMSS) since 2005, and is an education consultant for the National Institute of Health’s Office of Science Education and the U.S. Department of Energy Office of Science Education. In 2010, Caroline was appointed to the MA Governor’s STEM Advisory Council serving on the Teacher Development sub-committee.