TEACHINGpoint course materials have been designed to be flexible and economical.This is a site for teachers, administrators and schools. It is not intended for use by students.The Feature Description Comparison page may be helpful in your purchasing decision Also, check the purchase requirements for educators


Patent No. US 8,116,674 B2, Abstract: Known as the Expert Systems for Teachers®– A system and method for professional development for teachers which includes a structured framework for creating and providing online courses, qualification testing, instructional material, and mentoring teacher access, all subject specific to help teachers gain competency in their individualized teaching assignments and by extension help in the recruitment, development and retention of teachers leading to improved student achievement.

Click for complete Teaching Point Patent document
(see page 18 for complete description)

Click for Teaching Point trademark certificate

Clcick for Expert Systems for Teachers trademark certificate

Click for Leave No Teacher Behind trademark certificate


TEACHINGpoint course materials may qualify for funding, beyond departmental budgets, through the No Child Left Behind Act Title I (10% of that funding can be used for professional development, for which Teaching Point materials qualify); Title IIa (Improving Teacher quality State Grants) which is 100% for professional development of teachers; Title 5, Innovative Programs; local and state professional development funds; New Teacher funds; School Improvement funds; Comprehensive School Reform funding; local, state or regional educational foundations.