
June 19, 2018

Carol Matthews is the author of five TEACHINGpoint course materials, including Advanced (AP) Environmental Science (Winner of the Text and Academic Authors Association TEXTY Award for the best text in the Physical Sciences), Environmental Science (regular/honors version), Marine Biology and Oceanography, Freshwater Science and Aquatic Science (a one year combination of Marine, Oceanography and Freshwater) has been an active classroom teacher for over 30 years specializing in these subjects and mentoring teachers in her field. Matthews has led AP™ Environmental Workshops to prepare teachers for their new assignments and has been an AP Environmental Exam Reader for the College Board. Matthews received her M.Ed. from the University of Delaware Sea Grant College. She served for 10 years as Chairman of the Stewards of the St. John’s River, an environmental organization with the mission to protect and restore the St. John’s River in northern Florida. Mathews has been a Board Member of the Florida Assn. of Teachers (FAST), a Board Member of the Florida Marine Science Educator’s Assn. (FMSEA) and was named the Jacksonville, Florida Environmental Citizen of the Year.