Psychology is a very exciting course for high school students. The student learns about scientific psychology and the many diverse and exciting fields within psychology. The course is based on scientific methodology which gets to the root of how we know what we know both about ourselves and others. The course addresses the needs of teachers to have an academic course and also the needs of students who “want to know more about themselves and their lives.” The course is correlated with the national standards of the American Psychological Association. Daily lesson plans offer classroom-tested teaching strategies, many of which contain a hands-on approach to the teaching of psychology. There are a variety of different teaching approaches using strategies such as cooperative learning groups, subject-area worksheets, and student projects that include friends and families as well. The course involves active learning such as demonstrations and exercises, writing, group activities, research and computer usage. Teachers receive a pacing guide, daily lesson plans, and class notes as both overhead masters and in PowerPoint formats. The creative course materials are intended to help any teacher, whether fresh out of college or experienced teachers.