Students will begin their study of cellular transport with in-depth study of the plasma membrane which surrounds the cell. They will start their study with the specific chemical composition of the plasma membrane and the specific functions that it is responsible for. Then they will continue with a study of different ways that materials can be transported into and out of the cell. This study will include learning about non-membrane protein transport, membrane protein transport and other types of transport that the cell is able to do.
Topics include Energy Cycles, Trophic Relationships, Ecological Succession, Energy in Humans – Digestive system, Biochemistry of Food, Enzymes and Vitamins, Habitat Census, Esti Stomach Model: Story of Alexis St. Martin, Comparison of Antacids, Hamburger Triptik, Catalase Enzyme Function, Estimating Populations, Direct Counting / Set traps, Pond Food Chain and Food Pyramid, Building a Food Web, Constructing an Energy Pyramid, Barn Owl Food Web, Build a Mouse.
Whole course with all units, or more individual units, available at