Chapter 5 – Cellular Reproduction $30 (Total days: 14, pages: 188):


Students will begin their study of cellular reproduction with in-depth study of mitosis which is a cellular process that is used for the growth and repair of organisms.  They will start the study of mitosis by learning about the cell cycle and how mitosis fits into this cycle.  They will continue with a study of cellular reproduction by learning about meiosis which is a cellular process that is used to produce sex cells.  This study will include learning about the sexual life cycle and the role that meiosis plays in this process.


Topics include Evolution and Classification, Origin of the Species, Darwin’s Theory of Evolution, What Darwin Never Saw, Natural Selection, Genetic Equilibrium, Natural Selection of Teddy Grahams, History of Life/Fossils, Investigating Hominoid Fossils, Effect of Natural Selection, Taxonomy, Amino Acid Sequences, Wonderful World of Widgets, Construction of a Geologic Time Scale and Index Fossils, Dichotomous Key.

Whole course with all units, or more individual units, available at

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Class Set with perpetual license – Printed Version, Mentoring Teacher Program Subscription, Printed Student Book, Student eBook, Teacher Edition Subscription – eBook Version, Teacher Edition Subscription Printed Version, Teacher edition units


Patricia Kasulinous

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